The PAC Collective is proud to have some of the most talented professionals in the industry on our CREW. The PAC Collective judges are educators and performers who believe in inspiring the next generation of dancers in the industry through honest, constructive critiques to motivate the dancer in the classroom and inspire the artist on stage.
Each routine will be judged on technique, performance and personality, and general effect to arrive at an adjudicated award. The predetermined point value for adjudicated awards is given to directors. The PAC Collective awards Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze to all levels of competition. Routines registered in our Competitive level will be able to earn a Crystal award. Routines in our Pre-Professional level may earn the coveted highest adjudicated award, The ULTIMATE Award, in addition to Crystal, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. There may be multiple adjudicated awards in each age group and category. Each routine will receive pins for each participant.
All dancers, parents, and directors agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the contestant shall be solely at the discretion of the directors and producers of The PAC Collective. All decisions of the judges are final.
This category is for conceptual choreography, tribute routines, and artists that would simply like to perform for an audience. Routines have the option to receive critiques with no placement. If a routine performed in PREMIER at the regional level they may choose to compete at ADVANCED or remain in this performance category. All PREMIER category routines will receive a performer participation neck medal and be recognized on stage as a group. This category will not receive any adjudications, overall awards, judges awards, banner awards, specialty awards, and will not qualify for “The Dance Honors” because this is considered at performance category.
Ballet and Pointe dance categories can contain NO tumbling skills or passes.​
Tumbling skills are listed below. Tumbling skills may be used together to form a pass. A tumbling pass is considered 1 trick. If dancers are doing any of the above in unison, this will be counted as 1 trick.
Tumbling skills include:
Jazz, Lyrical, Modern, Musical Theater, Contemporary, Tap, and Clogging dance categories can contain ONLY 3 or less tumbling skills or passes.​
Routines that exceed the 3-tricks will be deducted a point deduction per judge per skill.
If dance movements, music lyrics, or costuming are deemed to be too suggestive or otherwise inappropriate for our family audience, or if the music contains vulgar or inappropriate lyrics, the scores will reflect poor choices in music and movement.
Any performers that exit the stage after 25 seconds of the performance will be scored upon their first attempt. They are allowed to perform again for the satisfaction of completing the routine.
A point deduction per judge will be made for any violations.
Pre-Professional soloists in the Petite, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, and Senior age groups may compete for Title. Soloists must PRE-REGISTER as they will be competing in a separate session. Soloists may enter multiple routines for the title competition. We will only crown 1 solo per dancer.
Each judge will have a separate score sheet for all Title candidates judging on the routine's style. This is available on the DIRECTORS' resources page for Studio Owners/ Teachers to view. Title Score is separate from the adjudicated scores.
Title age divisions are separated as Petite, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, and Senior. If the minimum is not met, entries will be combined as follows ’12 & Under’ and ’13 & Up’ or all Title contestants will be moved into one division.
Title entries will not be included in regular overalls and will instead be placed in their own overall category. The top 10 contestants in each age division will receive a crown pin. Ties will not be split.
The top 15 contestants of all age groups combined will receive a crown, a sash, and a pin with an invitation to The Dance Honors.
Pre-Professional soloists in the Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, and Senior age groups may compete for Artist of the Year. Each dancer must compete a minimum of 3 solos of a different style. Soloists must PRE-REGISTER as they will be competing in a separate session. ​
The adjudicated scores of all routines will be averaged together to create the top 10 Artists of the Year in each age level. Every routine is eligible for a category award. Individual adjudicated scores will create the top 3 in each category and age level.
All participants receive an Artist of the Year jacket. The top 15 Artists of the Year overall will receive a sash and a pin with an invitation to The Dance Honors.​​
"TOP 15"
The TOP 15 routines in the soloist, duo/ trio, small group, large group, and lines in each of the competitive levels - Advanced, Competitive, and Pre-Professional will be recognized. Soloists may only place once in the overall. Ties will be given to the routine with the highest technique score.
These banners will be presented during the Call Back improv showcase.​ All Ultimate performers will have the opportunity to participate in an improv contest at the Ultimate ceremony. The top 3 dancers in each age category will be invited to The Dance Honors.
These banners are awarded to group routines that receive a PAC Attack.
This banner will be given during group award ceremonies only and is a judges' choice award. All groups that received the Most Creative Concept award will be invited to compete in the Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge. The top overall in this category will be invited to The Dance Honors.
This banner will be given during group award ceremonies only and is a judges' choice award. All groups that received the Best Emotional Execution award will be invited to compete in the Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge. The top overall in this category will be invited to The Dance Honors.
This banner will be given during group award ceremonies only and is a judges' choice award. Routines nominated for our PAC Attack Challenge™ are eligible for this award. All groups that received the Best in Show award will be invited to compete in the Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge. The top overall in this category will be invited to The Dance Honors.
Top Studio Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must register a minimum of 3 Small Groups
2. Must register a minimum of 2 Large Groups
3. Must register a minimum of 1 Line/Production
4. Any age group qualifies
5. Ties are automatically broken by technique score
6. Average score of the 6 highest scoring routines broken into the 3 routine types will provide the 3 top studios of
each regional competition
7. At Ultimate, we will recognize 3 Advanced, 3 Competitive, and 3 Pre-Professional Top Studios. If a studio qualifies for the Top Studio award in multiple levels they MUST decide 30 days prior to the first day of the event which level they would like to be considered for. If a level is not chosen and a studio emerges victorious, the announcement will be made only at the lowest qualifying level. A studio is only eligible to win one Top Studio award, hence it is advised to register for the highest level a studio aims to excel in.